
la petite robe


" il lui offrit une  robe , qu'il avait tissée et brodée pour elle  "



bonne journée de Noël


  je n'ai pas le coeur fier ni le regard ambitieux ; 
 je ne poursuis ni grands desseins, ni choses trop élevées pour moi.

Non, mais je tiens mon âme égale et silencieuse ; 
mon âme est en moi comme un enfant, comme un petit enfant contre sa mère.

psaume 131  



For my sister's story

confidential family edition
ideas are coming, work in progress
I have almost no expérience of illustration



Picasso Barcelona

I have been in Barcelona for two days
I saw Picasso Museum, where there is a lot of early work , before 1900
working and working again trying everything in very classical style as a pupil searching his own way ...
Picasso finds his very famous style just after 1900 , making the amazing blue and pink period .
very strong and inspired drawings , before he discovered African art.

 2 small love letters 

 I would never guess this beautiful yellow boat would be from him

I absolutely loved Barcelona , great peacefull moments in this  beautiful place 

