
why do I paint ?

for myself, of for people ? what for ?
I couldn 't do anything for few weeks  .
I share with you this one , made today, inspired by spring .

92X73 cm

10 commentaires:

  1. J'aime beaucoup la délicatesse de vos peintures...
    Bon weekend :)

  2. Un doux printemps en ta compagnie ce matin, merci et bon dimanche.

  3. Très jolie cette peinture, est-ce un rêve ?

  4. Dear Isabelle,
    today I've seen a film about Henri Matisse. He told that he visited Renoir. August Renoir was an very old man with stiff fingers from arthritis. Someone jammed a brush between his fingers - and when Renoir started to paint...he becomes a vitally alive man.
    You've painted a realy spring likely painting, wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
    x Ariane.

  5. hi hello ! thank you all for your words and friendship!
    @Ariane ; yes I saw this little film of Renoir , passion of painting gives him happyness, I hope I could be like this getting older, art is an important part of freedom and joy ...

  6. J'aime retrouver chez vous votre peinture printanière remplie de votre

  7. Parfois retrouver ses pinceaux après une longue absence a du bon...
    Ce tableau lumineux le prouve.
    En espérant que tu ne t'éloigneras pas trop de ton chevalet, Isabelle!

  8. Voilà une belle façon d'accompagner la naissance du printemps :-)

  9. Merci à vous pour votre présence amicale. en effet, s'arrèter un peu fait parfois émerger d'autres aspirations . bon printemps à toutes !

  10. never knew the answer to this question myself...and especially why after the painting is finished it seems that it's living its own life. Art is a mistery.
    I have to also say that I've just stumbled upon your blog and I love your paintings! It's probably the opposite from what I do - I can never get rid of bright colours - nevertheless it's so tender and...yeah, soft and genuine. Keep creating.

    all the best.
